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How to correctly place the shelves in the stationery store?

2023-07-08 16:13:46

The shelf placement of stationery stores is very important for promoting sales and improving the shopping experience of customers. Proper shelf placement can help customers quickly find the products they need and better display the characteristics and selling points of the goods. Here are some information about Stationery store shelf Suggestions for correct placement.

1. Place the goods in different areas according to the type of goods: divide the shelves of the stationery store according to the type of goods, such as pens, this subcategory, correction fluid, etc., and then subdivide small items in each area. In this way, the goods can be organized in an orderly manner to facilitate customers to find the products they want. For example, in the pen area, ball point pens, pens, and signature pens can be placed in different positions.

2. Put key commodities at the eye level: put commodities with large sales volume and high profits at the eye level of the shelf, which can attract customers' attention and promote their purchase desire. Usually, people will pay attention to the eye height when shopping, so placing key goods in this position can increase their exposure.

3. Leave space for commodities: When placing commodities on the shelf, attention should be paid to leaving sufficient space for commodities. Over dense placement will cause trouble for customers to select goods, and it is easy to lead to confusion and difficulty in taking and placing goods. On the contrary, if you leave space, you can not only make it easier for customers to take goods, but also give people a neat and comfortable feeling visually.

 Stationery store shelf

4. Visual balance: The placement of goods on the shelf should pursue visual balance, so that customers can feel harmonious and happy when watching the whole shelf. For example, when goods are placed on the shelf, you can arrange the high and low goods in an orderly manner, or alternatively match the goods of different colors. But be careful not to pursue balance excessively and neglect the display effect and selling points of the goods.

5. Use eye-catching signs: using eye-catching signs on the shelves can help customers find the goods they need more quickly and effectively improve the exposure of goods. Signs can be divided into large category signs and small category signs. Large category signs can be placed on the top of the shelves, and small category signs can be placed directly above the shelves in each area. Use bright colors and clear fonts on the signs so that customers can see clearly from a distance.

6. Regular sorting and replenishment: sorting and replenishment of shelves is an important link to keep the store clean and sufficient. Regular sorting can avoid confusion and misplacement of goods on the shelves. At the same time, timely replenishment can ensure that customers can buy the goods they need at any time and avoid losing customers due to shortage.

7. Adjust according to seasons and festivals: The shelves of stationery stores can be adjusted according to different seasons and festivals. For example, in the back to school season, school supplies can be placed in a prominent position on the shelf to attract students and parents to buy. During the festival, some special commodities related to the festival can be displayed on the shelf to increase customers' willingness to buy.

In short, the shelf placement of stationery stores is a process that needs careful consideration. Proper shelf placement can improve the exposure rate of goods, promote sales and enhance the shopping experience of customers. Through reasonable division of areas, full use of space, use of signs and other means, the shelves can be placed more orderly and eye-catching, providing customers with a better shopping environment. At the same time, regular sorting and seasonal adjustment of shelves are also important to keep the store clean and attract customers. It is important to constantly pay attention to customers' purchase behavior and feedback, and adjust the shelf placement strategy in time to meet customers' needs to a large extent.

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